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Image by kiki Wang

Dry Needling (Western Medical acupuncture)

Dry needling, which is also known as western medical acupuncture, is a therapeutic modality involving the insertion of fine needles; it is an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and the principles of evidence based medicine.

Dry needling is a safe technique for treating many musculoskeletal conditions, including shoulder pain, rotator cuff pain, biceps tendinitis, iliotibial band syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, low back pain, tennis elbow, whiplash or neck pain, headaches, muscle strains, hip pain and temporomandibular pain, also called TMJ.

When dry needling is applied to an affected muscle or trigger point, it can decrease muscle tightness, increase blood flow and reduce pain and works very well alongside osteopathic treatment. Patients often report immediate relief after treatment. The needles will not remain in your skin for a long period of time and do not hurt. 


Here at NHH, our osteopaths are qualified to apply dry needling and they will combine this treatment into your osteopathy appointment at no extra charge if they feel it would be beneficial to you as an individual. When booking your osteopathy appointment, if you have any further questions about dry needling please ask or alternatively you can speak to your practitioner on the day.  Please note that we do not offer stand alone dry needling (western medical acupuncture) treatment, we only offer stand alone traditional acupuncture treatment which is different (please see acupuncture section or contact Alison Micallef for more details on traditional acupuncture appointments). 

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