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Baby & Child  Osteopathy

Osteopathy can greatly improve your baby / child’s wellbeing and help to address a wide range of issues. There is no minimum age to bring your child in for an osteopath appointment as you can take your baby to see an osteopath from birth.

Osteopaths can help treat babies for conditions such as trauma from difficult delivery (very long or short delivery, ventouse or forceps interventions), colic, constipation, head shape asymmetries, reflux, sleep disturbances,  breast latching difficulty,  digestive issues and much more. Cranial osteopathy is the treatment used on babies for a very gentle approach.


Children may experience musculoskeletal issues such as postural imbalances, growth-related pains, or sports injuries. Osteopathic techniques such as muscle manipulation and soft tissue techniques can help relieve pain, improve joint mobility, and promote proper alignment. Our osteopaths can treat many childhood issues including glue ear, chronic ear infections, sleep problems and headaches, postural problems and more.


Please note that we require any child under the age of 18 to attend with a parent or chaperone who must stay in the room for the full treatment process.

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